JobKeeper Payment is now easier!
The JobKeeper payment system is the safety net for many businesses during 2020 so make sure that it catches you if your turnover drops for any reason during this quarter (1 July to 30 September 2020).
On 7th August, the ATO made the JobKeeper payment extension even easier to qualify for!
Steps you need to take:
Check if your turnover has dropped (or is expected to in the quarter ending 30 September 2020.
Compare this amount to your turnover for the same period as last year.
If the drop is more than 30% and you are a small business, then you can register for the extension
The registration process for the extension is not yet available but will be towards the end of September.
If you need any help then you can always contact the team at Cloud Safe Accounting.
JobKeeper payment will be available until March 2021 and although it is reducing, it is still a valuable source of income for your eligible business.
Is your business in Melbourne?
Maybe you are eligible for the new $10K from state govt. If your business paid Workers Insurance (WorkSafe) in 2020 and is in the Melbourne Metro and Mitchell Shire regions, then you may qualify for $10K.
Is your business in Queensland or NSW?
These states also have new grants available to assist with the expansion of your business into the new COVID affected economy.
Feel free to book a 15-min chat for further information.